Making a game is damn hard. Constant changes to the scope and mechanics happen when you realize some things are just too time-consuming, some just don't work well and often time you realize your code/solution is garbage and you could have done so much better.

But the worst is when you realize just how interconnected these systems can be. For example - enchanting items - it ties into UI, characters, inventory, battle code, etc.

Initially all of my enchantable items has all of the possible value data for every possible buff, which while simple, is also terribly wasteful. So it was time to make enchantments their own things and have itself merely hold a list of them. But now the problem was applying them. And applying them on WHAT? Clearly +1 Strength buff goes on the character. But the +1 damage? It can go both ways, since a character has it's own set of battle stats. Logic dictates it's better to put it on the item, but now I have 2 different types of enhantments that are applied differently. I cannot simply call ApplyAllEnchantments() on item equip anymore. Or can I? Adding an enchantment target variable for a check might do the trick.

But now the issue comes with how do I deal with different attack types (blunt, slash, pierce, fire, etc..) and attacks (punch, kick, slash, fireball, ...). How to store them? How to access them? How to implement them? The questions never end.
